Prevention 101: Lower your Cancer Risk with Exercise
Did you know that 1 in 3 people will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime? This can be because of a variety of factors. One thing is for sure, physical activity is crucial for prevention and maintaining a healthy mind and body. Not only does physical activity aid in immunity support, but it also helps regulate and balance the body’s internal functions. How we live and breathe all rely on our ability to stay fit. Here is some guidance on how to maintain and keep your body strong.
Know the basics: Moderate v.s. Vigorous
Watching how you perform certain activities gives you an idea of what’s best for your health and lifestyle. Exercise can be placed into two categories to aid in better understanding.
Moderate activity. Moderate exercise can be seen as brisk walks, walking upstairs, even pushing a grocery cart to your car at a fast pace. It’s anything that includes a slight increase in heart rate and breathing. Take some time out of your day to go for a bike ride, walk around the neighborhood, get your arms and legs moving.
Vigorous activity is any exercise performed at higher intensity, like running. When performing exercises like running, your heart rate, breathing, and sweating increase. Try exercises that include running, jogging, swimming, playing sports, and anything that requires multiple muscles to be activated.
Follow a set Schedule
While exercise is crucial for reducing the risk of health ailments, a routine can be just as beneficial, if not more important. Keep a set schedule of when you eat and exercise. See what works best for your lifestyle. Does eating a healthy breakfast then exercising work for you? Try out different ways to approach your activities and choose the best.
Are you more of a morning or night person? Whatever the case, stick to a routine that you know you can manage.
Stick to Safety
With physical activity comes the risk of injury or over-exertion. Try not to overdo it. Take time to listen to your body and health conditions and find the perfect balance for you. Most people can do a combination of moderate and vigorous activities without checking with their doctors. If unsure, do not hesitate to ask. Start slow and work your way up to more heavy, complex exercises of interest. Remember, warm-ups are crucial. Take 10 minutes out of your day to stretch your limbs and get in tune with how your body feels. Most importantly, stay hydrated!